Finding An Efficient In-House Inspection Process

Jeff Bowes
4 min readMar 5, 2023


Hotel manager inspecting room cleanliness
Hotel manager inspecting room cleanliness the old way; analog!

The already competitive hospitality industry faces a tough battle following the global pandemic. Recovery has been slow; hotels, guest houses, and hospitality service providers must be on top of their game to encourage repeat visits as the number of travelers has dwindled.

According to a 2020 national survey commissioned by the American Hotel and Lodging Association, cleanliness and upkeep is the most critical factor for travelers when determining their hotel stay, ranking even higher than customer service.

More now than ever, managers and owners of successful hospitality businesses must ensure that they improve guest experiences through health and safety, cleanliness, and improved maintenance to keep workers and guests safe and satisfied. The Upkeeply all-in-one hospitality management application speeds up the in-house inspection process, achieving the cleanliness and order that guests demand from their hotel accommodations.

Why Do You Need An In-House Inspection Process?

An in-house inspection aims to ensure that guests receive a safe, consistent, and pleasant experience and leave happy. In-house inspections detect any areas the housekeeper may have overlooked, any issues the maintenance technician needs to fix, or any public areas and kitchen problems.

If left undiscovered, these issues can become a source of dissatisfaction and complaints. Regularly inspecting designated areas is part of good housekeeping and essential safety measures. It is necessary to check flammable materials, storage areas, and equipment for fire prevention and maintenance practices and ensure timely corrective action.

While every hotelier knows that bad reviews are bad for business, the impact of a bad review is probably worse than you think. A study by the ITB shows that 35% of potential online clients would not book a room at a hotel if they found negative reviews on the internet, and 20% would tell others about what they saw. Consistently poor reviews can lead to hotels losing up to 22% of bookings, and if reviews are repeatedly posted across multiple portals, losses can climb as high as 70%.

A well-conducted inspection and diligent workplace checklist can improve the guest experience and motivate cleaning staff and employees to uphold high standards on the site.

Expect What You Inspect: Benefits Of Using A Mobile App

The adage “inspect what you expect” means that if you expect specific standards in your hotel, you need to go around and look hard at inspecting it yourself. Inspections provide detailed feedback to all parties and improve customer service, whether checking guest rooms, public areas, corridors, or kitchens. In addition, regular and thorough in-house inspections are good processes and checks for cleanliness and readiness.

Unfortunately, cumbersome paper forms can impede inspection and rarely yield the information needed to improve service levels. Luckily, there are modern and easy-to-use applications that hospitality staff can deploy to ensure that the inspection process is upheld and continuously improved. The use of these applications leads to the following:

Accurate and Effective Inspections

Paper inspections are only as good as the person completing them. Required fields might be left blank, wrong calculations entered, and some penmanship can leave a lot to be desired. Human error is significantly reduced when you get rid of paperwork and use a mobile application. Drop-down menus and automated calculations save time and make it easier for workers to do their jobs with reduced effort.

Hotel employee placing basket of fruit

Keeps Your Data Safe

Paper records can get lost or damaged, so someone must capture this information once completed. When relevant staff uses an application, the in-house redundancies process is sped up and removed. New employees can study the data as records are permanently preserved, and applications can easily be maintained and updated.

Identifies Maintenance Issues Early On

Thorough checks mean you’ll spot potential hazards and issues with appliances or machinery early on. If you are using an app, you can upload photographs and descriptions of the site for maintenance so that maintenance staff can identify and repair the issue before it becomes a real problem.

Ensures Consistency, Sets Standards And Benchmarks

Consistency is vital when a chain of hotels or several hospitality units is owned. A centralized inspection system that is constantly adhered to ensures that guests know that their experience will be pleasant, no matter which hotel they visit. In addition, new staff can use this formal, complete inspection process during training to set the necessary standards and benchmarks for the hotel.

Becoming Compliant

Sustainability and safety are essential for hotel staff and guests alike. A formal, paperless inspection process can help ensure compliance because managers can easily add new requirements to the checklist. Management may want to reduce energy costs or ensure more rigid health and safety procedures; these can be added as they emerge. Unlike paper-based review forms, you can quickly adapt and change your methods and stay updated with trends.

Happier Customers

Good in-house inspection processes fuel good health, safety, cleaning, and maintenance practices. This discipline, in turn, means happier customers, better reviews, and more return bookings, which impacts the hotel’s reputation.

Get Started With Upkeeply

Implementing an ever-evolving in-house inspection process is the key to improving customer service. If you want to implement a new or improved in-house inspection process using an app, Upkeeply can help inspectors become more effective and mobile.

Hospitality professionals started Upkeeply to streamline operations, improve workflows and save money. Contact us if you want to know more or view a demonstration.



Jeff Bowes

40 years of Hotel Consulting and Hotel Management experience. He is skilled in hands-on training, software implementation, and hotel management.